The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide: Part 7, M is for Manage Expectations, Make Use of Gospel Centered Language and Music
If you are new, welcome, and check out these other incredibly helpful posts in the Tantrum Series (packed FULL of great practical advice) The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide- Part 1: T is for Training The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 2: A is for Acknowledge Feelings The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 3: N is for Natural Consequences The Ultimate…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide: Part 6, U is for Understanding the end goal is their hearts
Tantrums driving you crazy? You’ve come to the right place! Check out all of these posts that are packed FULL of practical tips and how-to: The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide- Part 1: T is for Training The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 2: A is for Acknowledge Feelings The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 3: N is for Natural Consequences…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 5: R is for Redo, Role Play, Rehearse and Reward
For those of you who have been following along, welcome back! If you haven’t been following along, welcome to Mama Needs a Manual. This is the 5th part in an 8 part series on Tantrums. You can find Parts 1-4 here: The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide- Part 1: T is for Training The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 4: T is for Transitions, Timers and Try Choice Language
Cut your toddler’s tantrums in half by implementing these two incredibly simple pieces of advice. Learn how to stop tantrums before they start! For those of you who have been following along, welcome back! After today, we will have made it half way! If you haven’t been following along, welcome to Mama Needs a Manual. This is the 4th part…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 3: N is for Natural Consequences
If you missed Part 1, T is for Training or Part 2, A is for acknowledge feelings, you can find them here: The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide- Part 1: T is for Training The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 2: A is for Acknowledge Feelings For your free cheat sheet with the Tantrums acronym, subscribe here N: Natural Consequences Whenever…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide, Part 2: A is for Acknowledge Feelings
If you missed part 1, go back and read it here: T is for Training vs. Discipline. It is so important to know the fundamental importance of taking time to not only discipline our children (when they do something “wrong”) but to train them (how to behave “rightly”, interact socially, etc). When it comes to Tantrums, discipline is more reactive,…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide- Part 1: T is for Training
“My child throws tantrums all day long. What do I do? How do I make them stop?” I uttered words similar to these in desperation to our pediatrician at our first son’s 18 month appointment. We had a similar discussion 9 months earlier (for you Mamas of younger babies, you can read about that here discipline starts sooner than you think!).…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide and Other Bonus Parenting Tips
“My child throws tantrums all day long. What do I do? How do I make them stop?” I uttered words similar to these in desperation to our pediatrician at our first son’s 18 month appointment. We had a similar discussion 9 months earlier (for you Mamas of younger babies, you can read about that here discipline starts sooner than…
Prescription for Contentment
“Prescription for contentment: never allow yourself to complain about anything-even the weather, never picture yourself in any other circumstance or someplace else, never compare your lot with another’s, never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise, never dwell on tomorrow- remember that [tomorrow] is God’s not ours”- from Calm My Anxious Heart, Linda Dillow These words popped…
For the Love of Discipline Book Review
From Sara Wallace: “What should I do when my kid lies? How should I handle hitting? These are the kinds of questions 99.9% of our discipline conversations revolve around – and they drive us CRAZY. They’re not bad questions, but there are other questions we should be asking ourselves that will actually take off some pressure. They require looking at…