
Happy Three Months Caleb!

Happy Three Months Caleb Paul!

His stats:
Our guess is that you now are about 13 lbs and somewhere between 25 and 26 inches long.
You are super sweet and getting less fussy and a little more predictable. I try to have you on a 3 hr schedule- Eat, Awake/Play time, Sleep. Unfortunately the sleep part usually doesn’t last too long (on avg. 30 min) unless I am wearing you or Daddy is holding you. We also try to limit your awake time to about an hr- hr and a half tops (you tend to get fussy about an hr after you eat and then we try to put you down for a nap).You are still usually happiest in the morning. It is so fun to watch you grow! You are wearing 3-6 mo clothes (starting to wear some 6 mo) and beginning to drool a lot. You also babble, roll over and giggle. You were sleeping okay (ish) at night- waking 2-3 times, but sleeping swaddled in the swing in our room with black out curtains and a noise machine. However, on Dec 15th (I know the date because Mimi babysat you while Mommy and Daddy went on a date) you decided to wake up 5 times! When we would put you down you would only sleep about an hr or 2 and then wake up again. This started a bad trend which ends up lasting about 10 weeks (the hardest 10 weeks of our lives). You are still often calmed when I wear you in the Moby wrap (I am so thankful for that thing and wear it almost every day) and when we say, “AAAAAAAAA” (think Aggies yell)- Mommy thinks this means you are destined to be an Aggie one day 😉
This month’s highlights:
  • You let Mommy dress you up because you still don’t know any better

  • You still love to read

Jesus Storybook Bible

reading our Advent devotional with Daddy

this is an “Introductory for Calculus” book for infants 🙂
  • Enjoy visitors- Katie and Meagan

  • likes spending time with your friend Kate

  • celebrated your first Thanksgiving

with Daddy Thanksgiving morning

with Paw Paw

with Mimi

with Uncle Blake

with Uncle Greg

Aunt Kayla

with Maw Maw

The Hubbles with Maw Maw

Maw Maw and all her grandkids (minus Adam) and great grands

all the Ventos- so thankful for family!
  • Likes the stroller sooo much more now that he “sits” up like a big boy

  • Getting better at Tummy time and can even roll over

you rolled over when you were almost 11 weeks old!
  • visited A&M to get Mommy’s cap and gown

  • can now babble
  • is always put in a better mood by dancing with your silly Daddy
  • still love your kick n play mat
  • one of your first giggles

  • took your first “Family” pictures and weren’t so sure about them

that face…we had to try really hard to get you to smile

sweet Maddie came to take your picture but you weren’t in a great mood

  • on your 3 month birthday went to Mommy’s long awaited graduation from grad school- whoop for a Masters in Math! You did sooo much better than I thought you were going to during the 3 hr long ceremony. Paw Paw held you for a long time in your favorite “standing” position, Mimi fed you a bottle and you even fell asleep for a little while! You were also surprisingly good on the car ride and fell asleep when Mommy held the paci in your mouth.

This month overall was really sweet, full of some fun memories and a more happy baby. I am beginning to get a little more brave about taking you places and trusting you will do okay. On Dec. 19th when I sat on the floor of Reed Arena after I had crossed the stage and gotten my second diploma from A&M, I glanced down at the tube holding my diploma and read, “Ashley Hughes”. For some reason, just reading my name overwhelmed me. I sat there thinking about how much had changed from the first time I walked that stage 7 yrs ago. I was Ashley Hubble then. I was excited to begin my first career as a teacher and boy, was it a wonderful adventure. I sat now as Ashley Hughes, wife to Bryan and Mom to Caleb- two people I didn’t know then, and one of whom didn’t even exist. My eyes just teared up in gratitude in all that God had done. I am so thankful for the family he has given me and the ways He has changed me since then in this stage of “adulthood”.

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