Weight Watcher Tips from a Busy Mama of 3
I’m not stranger to Weight Watchers (now rebranded WW). I first “joined” or I should say pseudo-joined in 2000 when I was 14 years old. That’s a whole other story for another day that led to a decade long battle with food. For the last several years, God has brought huge freedom in the area of self-image and bondage to food.…
Gospel Hope for the Good Mom: Freedom from the Shoulds of Motherhood
My favorite Christmas present was a Baby Shivers doll. I got her when I was 6 years old and I was beyond excited to have a doll that looked so real. From a young age, I was always quite concerned with appearances. My mom amiably let me use some of my little sister’s diapers and baby clothes to dress her.…
When I don’t feel thankful
It’s November. It’s the time of year for thankful turkeys and thankful trees, practicing gratitude for the many things we have been given. But if I’m honest, sometimes I don’t feel thankful. And when we don’t feel thankful, what are we to do? We’ve all been there. We are having a “good” day and then there is a trigger, often…
Test Results
I lay on the table hearing the helicopter like roar of the machine circling around my head. I ask the technician how long it would take. “No more than 5 minutes,” she is quick to reply as she tells me to scoot up. The machine does it’s thing and surely, less than 5 minutes later the rumbling…
Our Marriage, 5 years later: Happily Ever After, or is It?
“What movie do you want to watch?” my Mom asked. “Sleeping Booty, Mama! Sleeping Booty,” I replied in my 4 year old voice. Years pass. I celebrate my 9th birthday and am so excited to have a Beauty and the Beast theme. I still can picture the cake: Belle, dark hair, big brown eyes, lover of books, basically me, just…
The Ultimate Tantrum Survival Guide and Other Bonus Parenting Tips
“My child throws tantrums all day long. What do I do? How do I make them stop?” I uttered words similar to these in desperation to our pediatrician at our first son’s 18 month appointment. We had a similar discussion 9 months earlier (for you Mamas of younger babies, you can read about that here discipline starts sooner than…
My First 6 weeks as a Mom (spoiler alert, it’s way HARDER than I thought!)
**Note*** This was originally written and published on my blog dancinthroughtheminefields.blogspot.com in October of 2013, and you can read the full post here Thoughts on motherhood so far: It is hard. Way, way harder than I imagined. I read an article the other day that defined happiness as reality-expecations. I expected motherhood to be difficult. Everyone says it is, but…
The Ultimate Guide to Solving your Baby’s Colic/Silent Reflux/Fussyness (from a Mom who’s been there 3 times)
To say I have a lot of experience with “colic” is an understatement. I’ve had 3 “hard” babies in a little over 3 years, all with similar symptoms and different causes. Lots of crying (from me and the babies) and lots and lot of sleepless nights later, I have a passion for helping Moms cope with their more challenging infants. Looking…
My Baby Won’t Sleep
Our Sleep Saga: This is probably going to end up being a really long post- I am writing this to share our story just in case it may help someone out there one day if they end up having a difficult sleeper or a more difficult baby than they imagined. So here is our very long sleep story: Birth- 4…
Our First Minefield: For our Sweet Baby Sam
Today marks the beginning of May, the month we would have welcomed our first child into our home. I am currently 20 weeks pregnant with our second baby. And I am so, so thankful. But we haven’t forgotten you Sam- our May baby. I would have been 38 weeks pregnant with our first baby this past Monday. It would have…