Five Things I’d tell myself Five Years In (and Three Kids Later)
Our oldest son turns five in a couple of days, and I can hardly believe it. In some ways it feels like just yesterday I was cradling him on my chest and in others it feels like life time ago. Tonight I lingered a little while at bedtime, watching him sleep trying to turn back time, imagining his little infant…
Summer Activities for Moms of Littles- How to Savor and Survive with 3 Under 5
Sweet Summer Time- Tips for Savoring these fleeting little years and Saving Mama’s Sanity It’s summer time! “What are you going to do with your kids?” I have gotten this question a lot lately, and although at first, I was like, what do you mean? How is the school year any different, they are all 3 mostly with me, but…
7 Tips for an Easy Prep, No Stress Preschool at Home (from a Mom of 3 under 4)
I can still remember coming down the stairs in Christmas of 1991 to see that all of my dreams had come true! Santa brought me my very own teacher desk, chalk with chalk holder, chalkboard, gradebook, and basically all of the things in order to play “school” . A couple of years later, when I was in 3rd grade, I…
Father’s Day Super Simple Craft (with Free Printable)
Sign up here to get your free Father’s Day poem printable. All you need to do is add the footprint(s) of your kid(s), sign it, frame it and you are done! It seems like Father’s Day always creeps up on me! Especially now that we have 3 kids, it seems like almost every month we are celebrating something. June…
Prescription for Contentment
“Prescription for contentment: never allow yourself to complain about anything-even the weather, never picture yourself in any other circumstance or someplace else, never compare your lot with another’s, never allow yourself to wish this or that had been otherwise, never dwell on tomorrow- remember that [tomorrow] is God’s not ours”- from Calm My Anxious Heart, Linda Dillow These words popped…
Baby-wearing 101, a comparison of my 6 carriers
Baby-wearing! This is something I SO looked forward to before I became a Mom. I just LOVE baby-wearing, for so many reasons. It helps you bond with your baby, it makes him feel safe, it allows you to have your hands free to do other things (like eat lunch for instance), you can run errands feeling “light” (without carrying in…
My favorite books for new or expectant Moms
***this post contains affiliate links at no cost to you*** Searching for a Mother’s Day gift for your wife or just want to give something sweet to your best friend? Here are 4 books I loved as an expectant or new mom: Waiting in Wonder : I LOVED reading this when first expecting Caleb, especially after losing Sam (read the story here…
Happy 9 Months Caleb!
Stats Caleb is 24 lbs 9 oz (98%), 30.75 inches (100%) and also has a head circumference in the 100%. He is just a big boy, but we can’t say that we are that surprised since Bryan and I are both bigger than average people. His Dr. said, “Wow” when…