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Father’s Day Super Simple Craft (with Free Printable)



Sign up here to get your free Father’s Day poem printable. All you need to do is add the footprint(s) of your kid(s), sign it, frame it and you are done!

It seems like Father’s Day always creeps up on me! Especially now that we have 3 kids, it seems like almost every month we are celebrating something. June is a big one for my husband as it’s his birthday, our anniversary and Father’s Day all with in a couple weeks of each other.

Like many one-income families I know, we try our best to live within our means. When it comes to gifts, a great way to stay within budget is making meaningful crafts, homemade pictures, videos, etc.

This year I made a super simple craft with our boys’ footprints:

I will say, I thought it would be much more difficult than it actually was, as the only other time I tried to get footprints C was 9 months old and I made something for our Mom’s for Mother’s Day. It was a HUGE mess, and hard to get a clean print. This time, surprisingly, all 3 boys cooperated, we used washable paint, and I was ready with wet paper towels and wipes. I also printed two copies and did each of their footprints twice (usually the second one comes out better) and then I chose the best over all one to frame.

I used styrofoam plates (recommend, because their foot slid around easily to collect paint), washable finger paint (that means toes, too, right?) and the poem printed on cardstock (can get at walmart in a ream)

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The paint (Crayola 8-Ounce Primary Washable Fingerpaint (3 Count)) got everywhere (I let them paint a card for Daddy after ward), and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere- table, walls, clothes. Thankfully, it wiped right off!

huge mess- even the wall! (SW repose gray for anyone wondering)

Something else I always do is take pictures with our boys holding up D-A- D. I then make a collage that spells Dad. I just keep the letter D and A I bought from Hobby Lobby in craft drawer and pull it out each year.


It was just about as crazy as it looks taking these and I haven’t gone through to edit them yet or choose which ones for the collage this year, but you can see the others below to get an idea.


IMG_9593Sign up here to get your free Father’s Day poem printable. All you need to do is add the footprint(s) of your kid(s), sign it, frame it and you are done!




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