My First 6 weeks as a Mom (spoiler alert, it’s way HARDER than I thought!)
**Note*** This was originally written and published on my blog dancinthroughtheminefields.blogspot.com in October of 2013, and you can read the full post here Thoughts on motherhood so far: It is hard. Way, way harder than I imagined. I read an article the other day that defined happiness as reality-expecations. I expected motherhood to be difficult. Everyone says it is, but…
Thoughts on Motherhood, 9 months in
(Originally written July 2015) This month Caleb has started throwing mini tantrums when he doesn’t get his way or if we take something away from him we don’t want him to hold due to germs, danger, etc (like our Iphone or the remote). He has also started hitting us in the face on occasion. He is just so rough. He…
How to Break Your 2 year old’s Pacifier Habit Without Tears
This formula for getting rid of our 2 year old’s pacifier was magic! (scroll to the bottom for a quick summary of how to kick the habit quickly) Caleb’s 2 year old birthday came and went, and his pacifier was still a much loved companion. The pediatrician and the dentist both had encouraged us to drop the habit by 2…
Happy 9 Months Caleb!
Stats Caleb is 24 lbs 9 oz (98%), 30.75 inches (100%) and also has a head circumference in the 100%. He is just a big boy, but we can’t say that we are that surprised since Bryan and I are both bigger than average people. His Dr. said, “Wow” when…
Happy One Month Caleb!
One Month….a little late I can’t believe how quickly one month has passed for our sweet boy! It has been FULL. Full of many tears (Caleb’s and ours), full of smiles, full of visitors, full of yummy meals brought to us by sweet friends, full of growth, full of being humbled, full of frustration, full of sleepless nights, but also…