Five Things I’d tell myself Five Years In (and Three Kids Later)
Our oldest son turns five in a couple of days, and I can hardly believe it. In some ways it feels like just yesterday I was cradling him on my chest and in others it feels like life time ago. Tonight I lingered a little while at bedtime, watching him sleep trying to turn back time, imagining his little infant…
Our Children are Not Problems to Solve- They are People to Love
I was picking toys off of the living room floor and the thought came, almost audible- “Your children are not problems to solve, Ashley. They are people, made in my image to love.” I’m not sure if it was the Lord speaking or a phrase I read somewhere, but I heard it and I haven’t stopped thinking about it…
Double Strollers that can be Rigged as Triple Strollers: More bang for your buck!
When I first found out we were expecting our 3rd baby when our second had just turned 1 and our first was 2 and a half, I was a little shocked to say the least. When I had my second, after a lot of research and considering the main ways I wanted to use the stroller, we opted to get…
Cloth Diapers aren’t just for Hippies, Cloth Diapering 101
I never really planned to cloth diaper. Poop, in my washing machine?! Eww…. But, then by God’s grace two of my friends who had babies a couple years ahead of me shared their experiences with me. My amazing friend (and neighbor) even showed me her set up. I watched a few youtube videos, and I realized this whole cloth diapering…
Swaddle Review from a Mama who’s tried {almost} all of them
There are so many swaddling options for babies these days! How is a Mom supposed to choose? Sometimes I am envious of our moms’ generation. They didn’t have to worry about which swaddling blanket was the best (or which anything was the best for that matter. They didn’t have the blessing or curse of amazon reviews. They didn’t have to…
Must Have Baby Registry Items for your 2nd (or 3rd) Baby and Why you should still Register
It was 4th of July. I had finally gotten into the groove of working out again (after being diagnosed with a heart defect a year and a half before and being pregnant and then working through his extremely hard newborn days). C was 9 months old, and I was doing Baby Boot Camp. I remember being SO excited when we…
Baby-wearing 101, a comparison of my 6 carriers
Baby-wearing! This is something I SO looked forward to before I became a Mom. I just LOVE baby-wearing, for so many reasons. It helps you bond with your baby, it makes him feel safe, it allows you to have your hands free to do other things (like eat lunch for instance), you can run errands feeling “light” (without carrying in…
My First 6 weeks as a Mom (spoiler alert, it’s way HARDER than I thought!)
**Note*** This was originally written and published on my blog dancinthroughtheminefields.blogspot.com in October of 2013, and you can read the full post here Thoughts on motherhood so far: It is hard. Way, way harder than I imagined. I read an article the other day that defined happiness as reality-expecations. I expected motherhood to be difficult. Everyone says it is, but…
Thoughts on Motherhood, 9 months in
(Originally written July 2015) This month Caleb has started throwing mini tantrums when he doesn’t get his way or if we take something away from him we don’t want him to hold due to germs, danger, etc (like our Iphone or the remote). He has also started hitting us in the face on occasion. He is just so rough. He…
How to Break Your 2 year old’s Pacifier Habit Without Tears
This formula for getting rid of our 2 year old’s pacifier was magic! (scroll to the bottom for a quick summary of how to kick the habit quickly) Caleb’s 2 year old birthday came and went, and his pacifier was still a much loved companion. The pediatrician and the dentist both had encouraged us to drop the habit by 2…