Birthday Party Ideas,  celebrate

C’s 2 Year Old Finding Nemo Birthday

Started the tradition of drawing the boys a Happy Birthday thematic chalkboard

Caleb will be 5 in a couple of months. As I look through these pictures, my heart aches only the way a mother’s can. How did I not know this was a thing until I was a mom- the pain of wanting to hold on and let go at the same time?

D was 6 months and still waking up every 20 min- 2 hours. I had eliminated almost everything from my diet: soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, eggs (The Ultimate Survival Guide to Going Dairy (and *mostly* Soy Free) for Breastfeeding MSPI Mamas)- and I was exhausted, but oh how I wanted to make his 2 year old birthday party special!

We hadn’t watched much tv during his first year of life aside from Praise Baby DVDs( Praises & Smiles_)- if you don’t know about them, they are amazing. Shout out to Bryan’s sweet cousin for telling me about them! Need a moment of peace to unload the dishwasher? They are full of sweet images and beautiful praise music. But, I digress- when baby #2 entered on to the scene and was even harder to get to sleep than his big bro was, I confess we watched finding Nemo more times than I can count. And you know what, Mama, it is okay. It is a season. We can all strive to be mindful, and disciplined and intentionally live our lives, but I also think it’s good to let go a little, and show ourselves some grace. We are not God. We are not perfect and we cannot do all the things (Gospel Hope for the Good Mom: Freedom from the Shoulds of Motherhood). We just did tv detox later, lol.

Nemo was one of Caleb’s first words, so we knew he would LOVE a Nemo Themed birthday party. It’s still one of my favorite movies the boys like to watch, and I love the story of a Father’s love to search for his son (sound like anything to anyone?- love Gospel themes!)

Our big 2 year old! We got his shirt off etsy


We kept it simple at a park. So decor wasn’t nearly as involved as it was for his Hungry Caterpillar Birthday or David’s Wild One Birthday.

I bought (gasp!)- ha, just kidding…for a mom who usually is a DIY-er when it comes to decorations it was hard for me to just buy this banner,but it was cute and on point and honestly cheaper than if I would’ve made it. We got it from Party City. You can also find one on amazon for about 6 bucks.Jumbo Add-An-Age Letter Banner | Disney /Pixar Finding Dory Collection | Birthday


my go-to decor item for all birthdays: tassel garland. I make them out of either tissue paper or table cloths. I have a how to video at the end of this post: D’s Daniel Tiger Birthday
Goodie Bags! I saw these somewhere in my web search and had to do them! They ended up costing a little more than I wanted, but I loved them. We got the bags at Hobby Lobby. I hand drew the mouths and cut the eyes and fins out of paper.


Octodogs – you just use a knife to slice one end into several legs, boil them and the little legs curl up.

Seaweed– Grapes on skewers

Starfish PB and J sandwiches

Puffy Cheetos– Coral

Sea Shell Pasta Salad- shell pasta, cucumber, tomatoes, black olives, some seasoning and Italian dressing




This was my first time ever experimenting with fondant. I made Caleb 2 cakes and it took me FOREVER and I vowed to never make two cakes again, lol. I made one for his actual birthday and one for his party day.



I made some cup cakes as well since they are easier for kiddos to grab





Precious Boy, we love you so.


Wearing Baby D…I’m obsessed with baby wearing: Baby-wearing 101, a comparison of my 6 carriers . This somehow feels like just yesterday and so long ago at the same time.




I only found one picture of him opening gifts from this year, but we have a whole list compiled from the last almost 5 years of having 3 boys 3 and under:

3 year Old’s Wish List- 100 Purposeful Ideas from a Mom of Three

Opening his train table! This was one of the boys favorites for a couple years, and came in really handy while we were Potty Training. Now it’s in C’s room serving as his lego table. For a list of other toy ideas: 3 year Old’s Wish List- 100 Purposeful Ideas from a Mom of Three


Beginning tradition of decorating door the day of their birthdays

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