David’s Wild ONE First Birthday Party
I love birthday parties! When it came time for David’s we brainstormed (and by we I mean me and by brainstorm I mean search Pinterest) looking for the perfect theme.
Since he attempted to crawl out of me (true story), dove head first into everything his first year of life (I mean what 7 month old figures out how to take off the outlet covers?!) we decided Wild One was a perfect fit. We could also throw in the book Where the Wild Things are, keeping with our family tradition of book themed first birthday parties (see Caleb’s here: Caleb’s 1 Year Old Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party, and one day I will get around to writing about Ethan’s Curious George one, too).

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You can get a similar Max outfit here:
Where the Wild Things Are Max Costume

I like to keep things as simple as possible when it comes to food.
We did BBQ chicken in the crockpot and had sliders, baked beans, chips, fruit, veggies- an assortment of snack type food.
We had a few “themed” items:
Wild Twigs= big pretzel rods
Wild Fruit= fruit in waffle cones
Moss Ball= cheese ball covered in your green herb of choice
Wild Claws= bugles

One year old Photo Shoot: These pictures were taken by the incredibly talented Kate Miller. I cannot say enough good things about her!
We had this book at David’s party for guests to sign as a keepsake:
Where the Wild Things Are

And there you have it, our sweet second boy’s first birthday!! Little did we know a few weeks later we’d out his baby brother was on the way! We praise God for your life our precious David Robert, beloved bright one.
I treasure this picture of D with my Maw Maw. She passed away about a year and a half later. This life, oh it truly is a breath. Now I’ve blinked and this baby boy is about to be 3. And without much effort, I can remember when I was just a little girl and Maw Maw was teaching me how to sew. Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Psalm 90:12). May we remember to make the most of them in speech (Use Your Words, The Power of Praise) and deed.
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