Light. Love. Life
In an effort to clean out our disastrous garage that hasn’t been touched much during the 7 months we’ve lived in our house (we moved 5 weeks before I had baby #3 in 3 years), we decided to hang up the solar screens that have just been sitting there (let’s be real, they were taking up a TON of space). My husband had high-hopes of saving money on our electric bill and helping our has-seen-its-better-days-ac work more efficiently.
But as soon as they were up, I came into our home and immediately wanted them off. I had been hesitant this entire time about hanging them, but finally agreed to do a trial run. We decided to let them stay up for the summer at least because, TEXAS. But, it feels like a gloomy overcast day in our house now, and since I spend almost all day every day here with our little ones, I know it will affect me mentally. In fact, studies have shown that depression and suicide rates increase in places where it is habitually over-cast.
All that to say, there is just something about natural LIGHT. It just does something for our souls. I do not think it a coincidence that the very words God used to first create were, “Let there be light”. Recently, I’ve been rereading 1 John, and it made me think of this poem I penned almost exactly 9 years ago, and I thought I would share it with you.
Originally published June 2009 on my first blog, which you can find here (if you are interested in what newly graduated High School teacher, Miss Hubble used to blog about)
God, you are light.
You cleanse, you purify, you heal.
You are light.
You guide, you direct, you reveal.
You were, you are, you will always be.
There are no shifting shadows, for you are constant for eternity.
You are my exceeding joy.
Not a good thing have I to claim.
But you, rich in mercy saw fit to call me by your name.
All I have are filthy rags to offer,
Your blood is what makes me clean.
I am the clay. You are the potter.
No longer do I live for myself,
But for you Lord.
Lead me according to your Word.
I am wholly yours.
Your goodness has allowed me to taste this thing called grace.
Oh how I long to see your face-
to gaze upon you my sweet Jesus.
You are my soul’s delight.
For this I will fight.
You word is your creating agent.
You spoke, “Let there be light” and there was in this creation
and i my heart
Your word brought forth Lazurus from his grave
and this soul it did save.
I will run to you.
For you make all things new.
Consume me for your glory.
I only want to be apart of your story.
God you are light.
You are love.
You are life!
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Nothing sweeter than your name.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
As a humble babe you came.
You died. You rose. Your reign!
My hope is in you alone.
For without the resurrection all would be in vain.
Lord create in my a longing for your return.
For you alone my soul yearns.