For the last couple of months both of the big boys have been asking almost daily if we can go to the zoo. We have patiently waited until Ethan was a little older, the weather was actually good, Bryan could take a day off and everyone was well. Finally, today was the day! I packed lunches last night and this morning we woke up early and got everyone ready. We were hoping to get to the zoo when it opened at 9. As the boys walked outside and hopped in the van, with big smiles on their faces, they began to debate which animals they wanted to see first. I finished up feeding Ethan and came out to Bryan walking in and saying, “We have bad news. There is a flat tire.”
Y’all, I seriously almost cried. I know that a flat tire is really not a huge deal. There are a million other things worse than a flat tire, but I just hated to disappoint my kids. I hated to tell them our plans would have to change. The boys began to lose it saying they wanted to go to the zoo. We spent a few minutes trying to problem solve (do we change the tire now and then go get it fixed and delay our trip a couple of hours or so, hit traffic and possibly miss nap time or do we attempt to load all 3 carseats into the Accord?), we decided on option 2 and miraculously fit our 3 seats across (hopefully safely)! Traffic wasn’t horrible on the way there, but it took us at least 35 minutes to park, during which Ethan screamed the entire time and the big boys repeatedly said they wanted to get out and see the animals. I don’t know what was going on at the zoo today, but parking was especially crazy (though the zoo itself wasn’t so crowded…it’s a mystery). By the time we parked, I fed Ethan, Bryan changed David’s horrible blow-out of a diaper(the first one he’s had in months) and we then got hands cleaned and the boys a snack it was an hour and a half after we originally got to the zoo. Going anywhere with 3 little ones takes a while, but this morning I felt like it took all of the energy we had-seriously 1.5 hours from when we arrived we finally stood in front of the Elephants.
Sitting 3 across |
All that to say, so many delays happened this morning: flat tires, car seat rearrangements, parking delays, blow out diapers, snack requests, feeding the baby, the list goes on and on. I kept thinking, “Okay, Lord I know we can trust you!” Even on the way to the zoo as I prayed, I thanked God for the delay trusting that He was good in it. When our expectations and reality don’t match up, we end up disappointed and I often have to fight that urge and remember to look at the big picture.
As we walked from exhibit to exhibit in a slightly different order than we normally do, we found ourselves in front of the Lions. And in all of my years visiting the Houston zoo, we actually saw the male Lion! I have to admit, I got as excited as the kids and tried to make our way closer to see. It was amazing to see him walking back and forth in front of the glass. The zookeeper even said it was incredibly rare (she said it almost never happens) for him to come out with people there! It was a special treat. And later I got to thinking….if any of those delays (which I realize are completely first world problems and minor inconveniences compared to many things people deal with) wouldn’t have happened, then we wouldn’t have found ourselves in front of the Lion exhibit at the exact time the Lion decided to come out and show himself. What a cool thing to be able to see! And what a gift.
The Lion! |
Perhaps God has you in a place of delay, or disappointment. Maybe, just maybe He is waiting because He is wanting you to be able to see the Lion, namely Jesus, who is called the Lion of Judah in Scripture. Maybe He is saying, “not yet” because He has something greater to show you. Just as He didn’t grant Mary and Martha’s request to come and heal their brother. He delayed, purposely 2 whole days SO THAT Lazarus would die. The sisters grieved. Jesus wept. And then He showed His glory immensely by raising Lazarus from the dead! He always denies the lesser for the greater. I have to be reminded of this so often. I have to be reminded it is not about me and my plan. Rather it’s something as small as a flat tire or as big as a delayed answer to prayer for healing, God knows what He is doing. He is all powerful and infinitely wise and worthy of our praise.
“But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord. I say, ‘You are my God, my times are in your hands.'” Psalm 31:14-15
They always want to see “Dee Dee” (aka Dory) |
Ethan’s First Zoo Trip |
sleeping babies melt my heart |
That’s a wrap |
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