Happy Three Months David!
His stats:
Our guess is that David weighs about 15. 5 lbs and is between 25 and 26 inches long.
Time is flying! Since cutting out soy and dairy, David has become a MUCH happier baby! He is very content most of the time (unless we are in the car- in that case he SCREAMS, or if he is hungry or tired he gets fussy, too). His favorite place is his bouncy seat with us sitting in front of him tickling his toes. He loves to be able to see us, and lights up with his huge dimpled smile when his eyes catch ours. David has been a little more predictable these days. I still don’t have him on a set schedule, as I decided to be more go with the flow/ feed on demand this time around. But things still flow in a general pattern of eat, awake, sleep in about 2-3 hr increments. But sometimes I feed him sooner than 2 hours if he didn’t eat much or his nap was super short (many times they last just 30 min or so), and sometimes his schedule is more eat, awake, eat, sleep if his wake time was 2 hours instead of 1 and a half. So we are still figuring things out. But most days he naps about 4 times with 3 of the naps usually being about 30 minutes and one of them being longer (1-2 hours). My goal is to get that nap to be at the same time big brother is napping so Mommy can have some time to read, pray, clean, etc. Night time sleep was better, but it has regressed some the last couple of weeks. David usually sleeps for one 3-4 hour chunk and then he wakes up every hour or so after (maybe he’s hit the 3 month growth spurt?). Despite our efforts to do a bedtime routine (starting around 7:30 or so), he still has trouble falling asleep for the night before 10-11. We are hoping this month he will learn to fall asleep easier.
David has also started drooling, chewing on his hands, clasping them together and giggling! His eyes are still blue (maybe they will stay!) and he still has only peach fuzz for hair. He isn’t a huge fan of tummy time, but we try to make it a priority to let him practice holding up his head for a few minutes each day. He loves to kick (in the bouncy seat, on his activity mat, in the tub) and he is already nicely filling out his 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
I have cut out all dairy and soy (called MSPI- which I feel silly for just now realizing- it’s much easier to find recipes if you google MSPI (milk soy protein intolerance) instead of no dairy and no soy). This is a great website: MSPI mama for those of you who have babies with MSPI as well. I think David is still sensitive to something I am eating because his stools still don’t look totally normal, and some days I can tell he is super uncomfortable. I haven’t had eggs either and have stayed away from peanut butter for the most part, too, but I am having a hard time learning how to eat and prepare food this way. The hardest part is going out to eat. I have a newfound respect for all of those with food allergies. It so often feels like you are a burden and it is hard not to feel left out of celebrations and such, but I know this way of eating is so worth it if it makes David feel better.
Playing dress up!
Caleb on Top, David on bottom |
First story time
he was asleep…at first |
Caleb was tired (and he has a rash that won’t go away…poor baby) |
Brother time
“shoe” “david”
Tummy Time
Loves his bouncy seat
Loves his activity mat
Play time and Lunch time with the sweet Martin boys! |
a visit from Cortney! |
Wearing 6 month clothes!
First trip to the Pool!
First Road trip- to Galveston for Memorial Day
they were both sleeping (for about 10 minutes) then both screaming for about 30-40 then somewhere in between for the rest |
Poppy and Gigi came to visit for Daddy’s Birthday!
out to eat for Daddy’s birthday
with Gigi and Poppy
at the WWII Plane Musuem |
sweet boy |
Best brother |
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