
Happy 8 months Caleb!

how did he already get this big?!

that arm on the chair…and that smile, still gets me every time

“Mom, why are you taking my picture?”

still loves to put those hands in his mouth 🙂


Caleb is probably between 22 and 23 pounds and somewhere between 29 and 30 inches (based off of our attempts at measuring his weight and length). This is the longest we have gone between well checks yet (you don’t go until 9 months)! This big boy is already wearing 18 month clothes (he can fit into 12 months as well, but since he flew through 9 month clothes, we decided to skip buying 12 month clothes for the most part). His hair is getting super long, and I am not for sure what to do with it. It still sticks up/out all over the place, but when I use lotion to put it up in the middle his little fo-hawk is getting super long. I have tried coming it to the side, but it makes him look soooo old (and it doesn’t stay down very well). Caleb’s eyes continue to get darker- somewhere between hazel and grey. I feel like Caleb grew so much the past month- all of the sudden he seems huge to me! He is still rockin those size 4 diapers at night and we are still loving the cloth diapers during the day.

side part?


  • he can clap his hands and we think it’s pretty adorable when he does so
  • he can give us a high five!
  • got his second tooth!
  • he can “throw” the ball to us, and we will roll it back to him and he will throw it to us again- he really likes this newly discovered game
  • he is closer to traditional crawling, but getting pretty fast at his on method of crawl, fall, lunge forward, repeat
  • he can now use his pincher grip! He still has trouble picking up some things, and I can tell that he is concentrating so hard when he is attempting to feed himself, but he is getting the hang of feeding himself small things like puffs
  • he is able to sit himself up from the laying down position- I still haven’t seen him do this in person, but I left him in his crib napping and then when I checked the monitor he was somehow sitting up by himself! It’s crazy to think a few short months ago he could barely move at all
how did you do this, Caleb!?

  • fell asleep for the first time ever in his stroller (it was after he fed himself a bottle at BSF)…I have never understood how babies fall asleep in their strollers since Caleb never had before, but he finally did 🙂
fell asleep in his stroller for the first time in his life!

  • he slept through the night (for real…like from 8ish to about 7ish) 5 nights in a row! He still usually wakes up at least once and we have to go in there and give him his pacifier, pat him, but he is doing a lot better over all! (except for one night a couple weeks ago when he was up from 10pm-2am and just wouldn’t sleep….even after 2 bottles)
Things that make him laugh:
  • Mommy burping
  • “Wrestling”  Daddy
  • his “tickle” spot
Fun Events this Month:

  • Hammock Time

  • Riding in the Ergo backpack style for the first time (and he fell asleep-which he hasn’t done since he was like 4 months old!)

that doesn’t look comfortable, but he didn’t seem to mind
  • met sweet Ms. Patrice and Ms. Beth!
  • tried the Johnny Jumper for the first time in a while, and actually liked it
  • celebrated Mother’s Day with Mom and Mimi

  • went “swimming” for the first time in a little kiddie pool in the backyard with Kate
the kiddos and with their Dads
    flashback to when Kate and Caleb were in their Mama’s tummies
    “Kate and Caleb’s first date”
  • went on his first family bike ride in the bike trailer

we are stylin in our helmets…but we definitely need to get a baby one
  • met his new buddy Breccan- Breccan’s Mommy, Melanie and I taught Calculus together last year 🙂

Caleb and Breccan last year around this time 🙂
the babies at prom last year 
  • met another new friend, Connett- his sweet, sweet Mama, Amy and I know each other from when we were in the Summit Singles Ministry at First together

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