For some reason it took me longer to feel settled on a name this time around. I think part of it had to do with my {still} indecisive nature, and the other part had to do with rather or not we wanted to choose a name that started with a D to continue our trend or just choose any name we liked instead. In the end, we decided to stick with our theme (and not just because I already bought a “D” for one of our stockings 2 years ago before we had any kids).
The two front-runners almost immediately were David and Daniel. Both men have incredible historical stories in the Scriptures, and we kept going back and forth between the two. Ultimately, we decided we liked the way David sounded better with his middle name, Robert. We also like the way David and Caleb sound together and (for the cheesy math person I am) it’s fun that they both have 5 letters (I am not adding this to my “rules” for the next baby though because then that would be putting us even more in a box with choosing not only an E name but also a 5 letter name). David is a relatively common name, especially among people my age, but it isn’t as common for babies (at least we hope).
David means beloved, and we pray our little man knows no matter what, that is what he is: loved by us and loved by God. We are so excited to welcome him into our family in 7 (or probably closer to 6) weeks. The David of the Bible has a fascinating story. He was a Shepherd, Slinger, Psalmist, Harpist, Poet, Tribesman, and King. He was the youngest of 8 brothers, but the one chosen by God. He was also one who knew what it was to fall greatly and then be redeemed.
One of our prayers for David is from a Psalm of David: “Surely goodness and lovingkindess will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:8) We pray that one day he would come to know and love Jesus.
His middle name will be Robert, after my Dad. I am so excited to give David a middle name after a man who means so much to me! We hope he lives up to his namesake. Robert means bright and shining. We pray our David Robert may be one whose knowledge of God’s love makes him a bright and shining light to the dark world around him. We pray he would have a spirit of fearlessness: “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life; whom shall I dread?” (Psalm 27:1)
So there you have it: David Robert Hughes- our beloved bright little one.